6 Legal Support Job Interview Questions You Should Be Asking

The best interview is a dialogue in which both you, your recruiter, and the employer to determine whether you’ll have a strong working relationship together. Preparing questions to ask during your interview helps you determine whether this job is the right fit. It also demonstrates your engagement and enthusiasm, helping you stand out among your fellow candidates.

Here are six questions to add to your list when preparing for a legal support job interview:

  1. How would you describe a typical day or week in this position? Job ads and descriptions can tell you what the key tasks and skills are, but they may not provide a clear overview of the contexts in which those tasks and skills are demanded. By asking for a “day in the life” view, you gain a clearer understanding of how the job’s regular demands line up with your skills and preferences.
  2. Is this a new position? If not, what did the previous legal support person go on to do? Understanding why the position is open can shed light on several topics, including how fast the organization is growing, what other opportunities for legal support staff are available and whether this position is a lifelong career or merely a stepping stone.
  3. How has the law firm changed over the past few years? Recent growth and development can give you a picture of where the organization is headed, as well as a sense of the trajectory of the firm’s closest competitors and the industry overall. This, in turn, can help you focus on areas in your own background that will help the firm face upcoming challenges or maintain a positive momentum.
  4. What are your firm’s plans for growth and development? How do you see this position contributing to those goals? This question demonstrates you’re interested in contributing to the organization’s overall goals—not merely collecting a paycheck. This question can also help you gauge whether the position will be a good long-term fit for you.
  5. What are the biggest challenges for the person you hire? This question can help you gain greater insight into the learning curve you’ll face if you accept the position and the challenges the organization faces overall.
  6. What do you like best about working here? While this question sounds like a friendly conversation starter, it also helps you gauge whether the firm’s internal culture is right for you. If the interviewer describes your ideal workplace, you know you’re on the right track.

The recruiters at Kent Legal are committed to helping experienced legal support professionals improve their career paths. To learn more about available law clerk jobs in the Toronto area, contact us today.

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