6 Habits to Adopt to Advance Your Legal Support Career

Everyone is busy. You have a lot to do, both in and out of the office, and it’s tempting to just put your head down and get your job done. But that’s not always the best practice. You need to step back and take some time to make sure you are thinking about the picture. Look at your career as a cohesive whole that will move in a particular direction that is within your control. Here are a few habits that can help you along those lines. Remember – if you don’t control your career, your career will control you.

Start with a plan. Think about what your dream career looks like. Map out the steps to get there. Don’t worry that you may need to change as time goes on. There is nothing wrong with that. You will always be adding new information, learning new preferences. There may even be new fields arising that didn’t exist when you began. Look at all the changes that medical and technological developments have brought to the field.

Read industry publications. It’s critical to keep up with what is going on in the legal field, your area of specialty and new developments that may arise. Make yourself an expert. It gives you confidence, allows you to speak intelligently and can even help you uncover new career areas to explore.

Brand yourself. One of today’s career realities it that everyone is essentially self-employed. No one spends their entire career with one company any more. Because you have a career plan and are up on the latest industry developments, you should have a good sense of who you are professionally. Draft an elevator statement so that you can concisely describe yourself professionally.

Create a network. Networking is not just for job seekers. You should always be building a network of peers, employers, industry experts and even potential clients. Spend time contributing to the network, learning, helping people and making connections. Then, when the time comes, you will have a bank of goodwill you can draw from when you need it.

Manage stress. No matter what your position, the legal field comes with plenty of stress. Take whatever steps are necessary to prevent bringing it home with you. Build in a routine that signals the end of the day and find way to manage your stress throughout the day. Take a break to stretch, walk around the block or just take a few deep breaths while looking at a restful picture.

Take care of yourself. You’ve probably heard this before without taking it seriously, but it’s one of the best things you can do for your career. Get plenty of rest; take up a hobby or sport you enjoy. Spend time with friends and family. Use some of your downtime to continue your education if that will help your career.

At Kent Legal, our experienced recruiters can help find a great legal support position and advance your legal support career in the greater Toronto area. Contact us today to learn more.

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