Many legal support professionals choose their careers for the stability they offer, along with the intellectual challenges and the satisfaction of solving problems in ways that help clients achieve their goals. While these are all valuable reasons to become a legal support professional, your own job satisfaction is also essential to helping you build a career.
To assess your job satisfaction, start by asking yourself these questions:
- Is my role clearly defined and do I know what is expected of me?
- Do I have all the tools and internal support to help me succeed in my role?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy am I in my role?
- Have I had opportunities to learn and grow within the position and hone my skills?
- Is there a clear path to career development in this position?
- Do I feel valued and that others feel I make a difference in the department and on the team?
- Would I refer someone to work in this company/role?
- Does my supervisor seem to care about me and the contributions I make to the organization?
- When assessing work-life balance, do I feel happy?
- Do I fit in with the company’s culture and am able to connect with my coworkers?
The answers to these questions can help you gain perspective on your current job satisfaction. Focusing on the answers that challenge or trouble you the most can help you identify “pressure points” that may be inhibiting your growth as a legal support professional.
Now that you know how to gauge your job satisfaction, what should you do with this information? The first step is to contact a recruiter who specializes in working with legal support professionals. Your recruiter can help you interpret the results and connect with firms that offer the type of culture and opportunities that will allow you to thrive.
At Kent Legal, our recruiters can help you find the best of both worlds by connecting you to Toronto-area employers who offer both job stability and job satisfaction. To learn more, contact us today.