When you’re looking for a new job in a law firm or legal department, some of your best options may require you to relocate. If you’re open to moving in order to advance your career, here are five ways to make that process easier:
Start planning early.
If you’re looking for a job in a place you’ll need to move to, start making moving plans as you start your job search. While you won’t be able to set hard and fast dates or addresses yet, you will be able to answer many important questions, like “Will we move the whole family at once, or will I commute?” or “Are we going to move the old couch, or donate it and buy new?”
Spend time in your new town.
Take the time to tour your new town, if time permits. While you can learn a great deal from online sources, there’s no substitute for walking around neighborhoods in person.
Start by touring the neighborhood near each new potential employer. Then, start looking at places in which you might want to live. You may even want to rent a hotel room or Airbnb for a few days so you have more time to explore and develop a sense of life in your new city.
Call in favors.
Moving can be a daunting task, so it’s important not to procrastinate when it comes to packing. On moving day, don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family members. To make the process even easier on yourself, consider hiring professional movers.
Starting a new job is a significant change in life. So is moving to a new city. To help yourself weather these transitions, make sure you have a strong support network around you. This may include your family, trusted friends, or even a therapist.
Ask for help.
Having a trustworthy outside perspective can help you find new ways to tackle tough problems. If you’re considering a move, don’t hesitate to ask your recruiter for help. Your recruiter may be able to recommend moving services, suggest activities in your new city, or more.
At Kent Legal, our recruiters help legal professionals connect with some of the best jobs and employers in the greater Toronto area. To learn more, contact us today.