Ask any law firm or legal department hiring team why their workplace needs a mentoring program and you’ll hear a long list of benefits. Mentoring programs bring new staff up to speed quickly; they build lasting connections among co-workers; and they encourage teamwork and problem solving.
But ask the same hiring managers whether their organization actually has a mentoring program, and many of them will say “No, not yet.” Why not? When so many benefits are on the table, why do so many workplaces fail to seize their share?
Here’s a “quick-start” guide to the top reasons your company needs a mentoring program:
1. Reduce the learning curve.
Every new job (both temporary and permanent positions) introduces new relationships, new processes, and new deadlines, even to legal support staff who have years of experience in their field. By creating a mentoring program, your organization can reduce the time it takes for new staff to learn their roles and to begin contributing fully. In addition to helping your organization’s bottom line, this shortened “learning curve” boosts the confidence of new hires by showing them how to make the biggest difference in the shortest period of time.
2. Improve “fit” and increase retention rates.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to mentoring programs, but successful programs all have one thing in common: they reflect and teach the organization’s goals and culture. A mentoring program builds connections among staff members, improving their communication and teamwork. It allows staff members to find the most effective ways to share their strengths with their co-workers and the most efficient means of shoring up their weaknesses.
Over time, a successful mentoring program increases employee retention rates by giving employees room to grow and become comfortable within the organization, instead of feeling that they must leave in order to achieve the career they want. Even if a mentored employee does leave, however, he or she will help the organization maintain a much stronger network than an employee who does not develop mentoring connections.
3. Engage the resources you have.
Because mentoring programs rely on person-to-person connections, their strongest asset lies in the staff your organization already has. Likewise, your staffing partner can be an invaluable resource. Work with your staffing firm to build a mentoring program that reflects your organization’s culture and to find the people who will make both the program and the company a success.
At Kent Legal, our experienced recruiters can help you find the legal support staff you need in Toronto and beyond. We strive to help companies find the legal support talent necessary to help their businesses thrive. Contact us today to learn more!